My name is Kenneth, I started this website to create thought provoking conversation. My goal is that when a person visits this website, they are going to learn something new, that they never knew before.

I’m a musician, I started playing bass guitar at the age of six. Out of my love for music I put in hours of practice everyday, and because of that I have gone on to play for some well known music artist.

Music took up so much of my time that I wasn’t concerned about anything else. I definitely wasn’t concerned about Black people. That was the last thing on my mind.

In 1990 I heard Minister Louis Farrakhan speak, and my life changed forever. I’ve never heard anybody talk like that. He was saying stuff that I had never read in my history books in school. The first time I heard him speak he said that Black people use to be Kings and Queens in Africa , and built civilization.

Up until that point I was a person that hated to read, but the words that Minister Farrakhan spoke inspired me so much, that I found myself going to the book store every week, trying to learn more about my Black history. Now because of him I read hours and hours everyday.

It was through Minister Farrakhan that I fell in love with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and Malcolm X. Because at that point I had never heard of either one of them, but Minister Farrakhan kept saying that they taught him everything he knew, and I’m thinking to myself they got to be smart. After studying those two men it only sealed my love for Black people.

God has a way of putting the right people in your life, in order to get you to the place where you need to be. I’m still a musician and I still love music, but I don’t allow my love of music to blind me to the condition of Black people.

At this point I’ve been doing community work for over 19 years, and I don’t plan on stopping. When I see something wrong I can’t remain silent.

Hopefully something on this website will inspire and motivate you, that’s my goal.

I dedicate this website to my musical hero Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5, they are the reason that I became a musician. When Michael was on trial, I wrote him a 4 or 5 page letter encouraging him to stay strong. I sent the letter to Jermaine, in order to ensure that he would get my letter. In the letter I said Michael, Jesus was a good man and he tried to help people just like you’re doing, and I said Michael, Jesus was lied on, misunderstood and persecuted like the media is trying to do to you. I then gave Michael about Ten Bible scriptures to read, in order to show him what was done to Jesus. In my letter I told Michael that I loved him, and I told him that I cared about him. I told Michael that I was there for him if he ever needed me. Now looking back I’m so glad that I wrote him that letter. I showed my love for Michael, and gave him his flowers while he was still living. Michael was a true Field brother, he always tried to help the poor and the oppressed. Michael often gave poor kids free tickets to his concerts. He gave millions of dollars to the United Negro College Fund, and he also helped finance the Million Man March. In all Michael has given over 300 million dollars to charity. There will never be another Michael Jackson, nobody will ever come close.

If you would like to comment or contact me about anything you've seen on this website, you can do so through this link.


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